Tokyo stock exchange listed.
Inbound Platform Corp.
Code: 5587
Terms for membership - Japan Wirelss eSIM
Japan Wireless eSIM Membership Terms and Conditions

Here at Inbound Platform Corp. (hereinafter, “Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”), we believe in providing our customers (hereinafter, “Customer” or “you”) a comfortable service pertaining to Japan Wireless eSIM service (hereinafter, “Service”) provided by us. For this reason, we ask you to register an account as the Japan Wireless eSIM member so that you can easily access the Service.
You may use the Service by creating an account (hereinafter, “Account”) based on Japan Wireless eSIM the Membership Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, “Terms and Conditions”) prescribed by us.

Article 1 (Use of Service)
You may use the Service by registering the Account pursuant to the conditions prescribed by us. Furthermore, if you are able to use other service that we provide through the Account, there may be cases where you will need to register separately prescribed items in such service or will be required to consent to the terms of use, etc. of such service in advance.

Article 2 (the Membership Registration)
1 When you complete the prescribed registration procedure by consenting to the Terms and Conditions, an agreement with a content containing the stipulations of the Terms and Conditions will be established between you and the Company (hereinafter, “Agreement”), and you will be able to use the Service as a member. the Membership registration procedure must be performed by a person himself/herself who is becoming the Member. Hereinafter, a person who obtained a membership will be called “Member” pursuant to this Article.
2 We may reject membership application from a person whom membership was revoked in the past or a person whom we decide is not appropriate to grant membership due to other reasons.
3 Please enter truthful and accurate information when performing the registration procedure. We will not assume any liability if falsehood, error, or blank field was found in information that you have entered and as a result you incur a damage, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company,

Article 3 (ID/Password Management)
1 We ask you to manage ID and password being set upon the Account registration with your own responsibility, such as creating complicated password that cannot be easily guessed by a third party, not allowing entered ID and password to be memorized after you log-out if using a third party’s terminal, etc. After we confirm that entered or used ID or password combinations match with those registered by the Member through our prescribed method, we will provide the Service by assuming that it was used by the Member himself/herself.
2 If a third party other than concerned Member is using the Account of the Member due to theft, unauthorized use and other reasons, we will not assume any liability pertaining to a damage arising from such incidents, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company.

Article 4 (Change of Registered Information)
If changes occur in registered information (hereinafter, “Registered Information”), you must quickly change the Registered Information. If Registered Information was not changed and as a result you incur a damage, we will not assume any liability, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company. Also note that even if changes were being made, a transaction of which procedure was already completed before such changes will be performed based on information prior to such changes.

Article 5 (Notice Method, etc.)
1 Notice, etc. from the Company to the Member pertaining to the Service will be made via email sent to the email address stated in the latest Registered Information, indicating on the website of the Service, or through other means deemed appropriate by us.
2 If we send a notice via email, the Member will make changes in Registered Information stated in the preceding Article, by agreeing in advance regarding the fact that the email that we sent to the email address stated in the preceding paragraph will be deemed to have attained when the Member is able to view such email or after 24 hours from the time in which we sent such email, whichever comes earlier.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information)
We will properly handle personal information that we obtained pertaining to the use of the Service from the Member, in accordance with our protection of personal information policies (

Article 7 (Prohibited Matters)
1 When using the Service, the Member may not, through himself/herself or a third party, engage in an act falling under or in risk of falling under any of the items stated below.
1) An act in violation of judgment, decision or order made by laws and regulations/court, or disposition by administrative agency, etc.
2) An act causing damage to public order or morality
3) An act of providing profit or other cooperation to antisocial forces
4) An act infringing on rights, profit, honor, etc. of the Company or a third party
5) An act of posing as a third party or intentionally sending false information
6) An act of unjust collection, disclosure or provision of a third party’s information or other private information
7) An act of engaging in unauthorized access, using a third party’s Account, creating or retaining multiple Accounts, and other similar acts
8) An act of inducing malfunction of the Service
9) An act of using bug normally not intended by the Service, other use/creation/distribution of external tool having effect normally not intended by the Service
10) An act of causing excessive burden on the Service or our server
11) An act of sending or distributing harmful program (computer virus, etc.) to the Company or a third party
12) An act in violation of the Terms and Conditions, or in violation of intent and purpose of the Service
13) An act of using abusive language and intimidation toward our employees, etc. (including dispatched workers, outsourced company), and other acts harming safety and mental health, etc. of our employees, etc.
14) Regardless of the means, other acts that we determine to be extremely inappropriate in light of social acceptability that obstruct the operation of the Service
2 The Member shall not transfer, lend, sell, establish collateral, or engage in any other dispositions for a third party concerning any rights and obligations pertaining to the Account and status, etc. under the Agreement.

Article 8 (Suspension of Use, Revocation of Membership, etc.)
1 If we determine that the Member falls under any of the following items, we may carry out measures such as suspension of use of the Service by such Member, suspension of the Account, change of ID and password, and revocation of membership of such Member, without a prior notice. If the Member incurs some kind of disadvantage or damage due to such measures, we will not assume any liability, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company.
1) If the Member engages in an act in violation of laws and regulations, or the Terms and Conditions
2) If a wrongful act was committed by the Member pertaining to the use of the Service
3) If it becomes necessary to secure the security of the Member such as wrong password was entered over a certain number of times
4) Other circumstance that we deem inappropriate with a reasonable ground
2 In addition to the preceding paragraph, if the Member fails to log-in for a certain number of times during a certain period prescribed by the Company, we may carry out the measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph without a prior notice. The scope of our responsibility concerning the measures that we took shall be the same as the preceding paragraph.

Article 9 (Withdraw of Membership and Termination of Agreement)
1 The Member may terminate the Agreement at any time through withdrawal procedure prescribed by the Company.
2 If the Agreement is terminated due to the withdrawal procedure stated in the preceding paragraph or regardless of the reasons, the Member shall agree in advance that he/she will immediately not be able to use any of the Account and the Service, and shall withdraw by confirming the precaution items, etc. before finishing the procedure. Any and all rights held by the Member related to the Service upon such point of time will extinguish unless otherwise prescribed by us pertaining to each service, and the Member understands that he/she cannot not make any claim against us, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company. However, if the Member owes any debt to the Company prior to the termination of the Agreement, such debt shall not be extinguished, and the Member shall immediately repay all of such debt to us after the termination of the Agreement, unless otherwise stipulated by us pertaining each service.

Article 10 (Change, Interruption, Termination, etc. of Service)
1 We may change or add part or all of the content of the Service or end the provision of the Service.
2 In the case of the preceding paragraph, we will provide information to the Member at appropriate time and through appropriate means, in light of its impact and operational condition of the Service, etc.
3 In the case of the items stipulated below, we may temporarily interrupt all or part of the Service without a prior notice to the Member.
1) When performing periodic or emergency maintenance or repair of system
2) If a concentrated load occurs in the system due to excessive access, etc.
3) If it becomes necessary to secure the security of the Member, the Company, or a third party
If it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as suspension of communication line, natural disaster, fire, power outage, other unexpected accident, war, dispute, strife, riot, and labor dispute.
4) Other cases where we reasonably determine that interruption is necessary in light of the situation concerning each Service
4 We will not assume any liability if the Member incurs a damage caused by the measures taken by us pursuant this Article, except in the case caused by reasons attributable to the Company.

Article 12 (Revision, etc.)
1 We may voluntarily revise the Terms and Conditions at any time, and may prescribe additional provisions, conditions, etc. to the Terms and Conditions. In such case, we will provide information to the Member at appropriate time and through appropriate means, in light of revised content and operational condition of the Service, etc.
2 We may transfer businesses pertaining to the Service to a third party or cause a third party to succeed it through merger, company split, etc., and may cause transferee, etc. of such transfer, etc. to succeed the status, rights and obligations under the Agreement. The Member shall consent to such transfer, etc. in advance.

Article 13 (Governing Law, Agreement Jurisdiction)
The Terms and Condition shall be interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Japan, and if a lawsuit becomes necessary pertaining to the Terms and Conditions, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first instance.

Supplementary provision
1. This Terms shall have effect from Oct 23rd, 2023.